kalleswork ikiwiki master branch test wiki

This wiki is a minimal test of my ikiwiki tweaks used on kalleswork.net. It mainly tests the album plugin changes and my simplebw theme. It contains the following:

note that this is just a static, non functional copy of a wiki. For instance the osm plugin is not activated and waypoints are shown as the directive markup

At the moment the tag pages are not autogenerated until a rebuild has been done. The tags are registered on the page with the wiki questionmark to denote a nonexisting page. Presumably this is related to the very transient nature of this whole setup. Solved thanks to suggestion by http://ikiwiki.info/users/smcv to call IkiWiki::Plugin::tag::gentag on tag creation.

If you change the metadata of the source underlay images it doesn't cleanly update at --refresh. It only copyies the image file over to the $destdir. This causes problems at next push/refresh as the image isn't recognised. Touching the page with the albumdirective or rebuilding resolves the issue